Liquid LSD


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Buy LSD LIQUID|BLOTTER PAPERS Online  (LSD) is a semi-synthetic hallucinogen, and is one of the most potent drugs known. Recreational use became popular between the 1960s to 1980s, but is now less common. It is generally believed that most LSD is produced outside Europe, but secondary preparation of dosage units by dipping or spotting paper squares is more widespread. These dosage units usually bear coloured designs featuring cartoon characters, geometric and abstract motifs. LSD is related to other substituted tryptamines, and is under international control.

A chemical usually sold in tiny amounts on blotter paper, as a liquid, or a pellet/micro-dot.

  • Acid
  • Blotter
  • Cheer
  • Dots
  • Drop
  • Flash
  • Hawk


LSD is a potent hallucinogen that has a high
potential for abuse and currently has no accepted
medical use in treatment in the United States.

LSD is produced in clandestine laboratories in the
United States

Common names for LSD include:

• Acid, Dots, Mellow Yellow, and Window Pane

For most people, the world appears distorted when they take LSD. Colours, sounds, objects and even time can all seem very strange and disturbing.

Taking LSD can make you feel:

  • euphoric
  • giggly
  • in awe of the people and things around you
  • energised
  • excited
  • empathetic

How does it make people behave

This depends on SD you may not even notice they’re on much LSD the person has taken. If the person has taken a small dose 

People on LSD might be quieter than usual as they’re so ‘in their heads’. Some people have trouble speaking when they’re on LSD.

People who take larger doses can act unpredictably. They can become fixated on certain things, emotional, paranoid or even aggressive.

How long the effects last and the drug stays in your system depends on how much you’ve taken, your size and what other drugs you may have also taken.

To kick in

Acid can take from 20 minutes to two hours to take effect, but it really depends on how much the user takes.

If you feel that you’re having, or are going to have, a bad trip, let your friends know and get their help. Go to a nice, quiet spot where you feel safe and can relax.

How long will it be detectable

LSD will typically show up in a urine sample for 1 to 3 days.

How long a drug can be detected for depends on how much is taken and which testing kit is used. This is only a general guide.

Effects On Your Body

Colours, sounds, objects and even time can all seem very strange and disturbing.

Is it dangerous to mix with other drugs

Yes. Everytime you mix drugs you take on new risks. However, some drugs are more dangerous to mix with LSD than others.

Mixing drugs is always risky but some mixtures are more dangerous than others.

If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or drinking, call 999 for an ambulance. Tell the crew everything you know. It could save their life.


1 vial, 25 vial, 50 vial


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